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时间:2020-01-13信息来源:民港物流点击:1716次 文章来源:www.jnjc.vip
1, if the distance from the measured object 2.1m (7ft) at the maximum measured magnetic field strength is not more than 0.159A/m (200nT), then the article is not restricted as magnetic material, can be used as general cargo handling.
2, if the distance was 2.1m (7ft) maximum magnetic field strength measured at more than 0.159A/m (200nT), but from the measured object surface 4.6m (15ft) magnetic field strength of any location is less than 0.418A/m (525nT), the goods can be as dangerous goods transportation, if this requirement cannot be reached, then the goods is prohibited by air.
3, the magnetic testing needs of customers according to the requirements of air packaging, testing will not destroy the packaging of goods. On the principle of detection is not only the goods out of the box, to detect stray magnetic field of 6 surfaces of each package.
4, if the goods are magnetic unqualified, need to pay special attention to, first, with the consent of the customer agreement, commissioned by the magnetic inspection staff will check the goods out of the box, and then according to the specific situation put forward some rationalization proposals. If the shielding can meet the requirements of air transport, according to the customer's entrustment, the goods shall be screened and charged